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About us
Concerned about the rise in childhood obesity due to poor nutrition and the lack of strenuous physical activity among our youth, Gaetano Amato and Silvana Sánchez Lira formed the company Get Kids Moving Now!
The focus of the company is to promote healthy eating habits and strenuous physical activities through reading, while working together with parents and schools to promote a healthier lifestyle for all children.
Silvana Sánchez Lira has a B.S. and M.S. degree in International Relations from Waldorf University in the United States, and an equivalency degree in Tourism and Business Management from C.E.I Education Specialists in Houston Texas. Her wide experience and responsibilities in outreach educational programs in the states of Connecticut, New York, New Hampshire, Massachusetts and Texas, amongst others, prepared her well for this new venture. Her professional background, along with that of the author’s as a movement education specialist, is an excellent blend for providing parents and children with the company’s Get Kids Moving Now! book collection, which promotes healthy eating and physical activity.
A recent "Trust for America's Health Report" indicates that approximately eighteen percent of all children are obese. Major deterrents to childhood obesity are healthier eating habits and increased physical activity. Our mission is to promote a healthier lifestyle, both physically, mentally and emotionally to help future generations understand the need for a strong body/mind connection.
Our vision is that of a healthier world, starting the change from the bottom up; that is, from childhood. Get Kids Moving Now! is a company dedicated to enriching education through literature that allows children and parents to interact and spend quality time together, and allows teachers to develop lessons that encourage children to eat healthier and to explore their wonderful world of human movement.
We are partners in learning with parents and teachers by providing fun, educational books for children, families, schools, libraries and book stores, all united with one sole intention, to be proactive in the care of the youth of this country.
We are committed every day to helping them grow through better nutrition, and through developing their natural physical movement capabilities while reinforcing their reading skills.
- Develop quality, fun educational reading materials for all children.
- Contribute to the physical growth and development of our nation’s youth.
- Encourage children to participate in physical activities and sports of their choice.
- Promote physical activity and healthy eating habits for children as a deterrent to childhood obesity.